Andreas Jonsson wrote:
I am trying to support as many edge cases as far as reasonable in my attemt to write a new parser. I seems, however, as if the parser is actively developed, and backwards compliancy with edge cases maybe isn't much of a concern. For instance, in 1.16.0beta3 we have:
$text = $this->doAllQuotes( $text ); $text = $this->replaceInternalLinks( $text ); $text = $this->replaceExternalLinks( $text );
which in trunk is:
$text = $this->replaceInternalLinks( $text ); $text = $this->doAllQuotes( $text ); $text = $this->replaceExternalLinks( $text );
So, it is now possible to have apostrophes in internal links, but still not in external.
Yes. That was for supporting apostrophes in page titles without having to write entities in the link. External links had some issues if you tried to do it.
Maybe it would be a good idea to provide som feedback to the user regarding bad syntax. In my parser implementation, I am considering generating special events for syntax that should be avoided. For instance:
I have supported for a long time the notion of a parser giving optional warnings about "unsupported" wikitext.