On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Brian J Mingus Brian.Mingus@colorado.edu wrote:
On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:40 PM, jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com wrote:
I was not able to find any examples. I think that such a blame and trust tool belongs in git, not in wikipedia because there are many other usages for it. mike
On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 8:33 PM, John Erling Blad john.erling.blad@jeb.no wrote:
There is a student at UiO looking into alternate trust coloring schemes. John Erling /jeblad
jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com wrote:
On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Platonides platonides@gmail.com wrote:
jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com wrote:
FYI, I am working on a blame tool for wikipedia
http://fmtyewtk.blogspot.com/2009/10/mediawiki-git-word-level-blaming-one.ht... thanks, mike
Importing an article history into git for using git blame doesn't seem like a good method...
Well importing it just for blame is bad. I agree. I read about the wikiblame.
my purpose is to port the wikipedia over to git...
So far all of the implementations of blame tools for the full history dump of a wiki do not have the features of an ideal blame tool.
Given an arbitrary string of text an ideal blame tool can scan Wikipedia's entire history - and ideally the history of all WMF wikis - and tell you the authors of that text.
The design of such a system is essentially a search engine where each revision is a page with an associated author. The engine works iteratively, first finding all page blobs (where a page blob contains all text across all revisions for an article) that contain all of the words being searched for, and then iteratively working forwards in time on the revisions of that article in an effort to find the earliest authors. This isn't a complete spec, but it gives the general idea.
Nice description.
Well imagine a problem of finding and removing some copyrighted code from linux kernel, or some bug from software. We need to make sure that git has these features.