Am Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2007 04:44:14 schrieb Luca de Alfaro:
For those of you who have checked our papers, you would have seen that not only we propose algorithms, but we do extensive performance studies on how good the algorithms are. We will want to do the same for the algorithms for fighting sock puppets.
I liked it very much that you spent a lot of thoughts on the robustness of your algrorithm (I think this is one of its key advantages over so many other naive karma systems out there) and that in this stage it is already restistant to many attacks. So I am confident that sock puppet and minor edit attack (Aaron's maintenance edit analysis is part of it) can be solved as well by you. :-)
About the proposal by Daniel: time alone does not cover our full set of concerns. I can every day use identity A to erase some good text, and identity B to put it back in. Then, the reputation of B would grow a bit every day, even though B did not do much effort.
That's true. The reason is that it takes less effort (= personal work time) to remove X bytes than to add them. Perhapes some weight factor on different kinds of edits can avoid this.