First of all, It would be important to discuss the design. Is the design such, that we can tell Jörg to implement it?
2007/5/24, Daniel Arnold
During reading you don't want to read anew on a small error, you want to fix the problem right now (impulse action) and proceed. Clicking on "current revision" would require this much more than just clicking on edit and inmediatly focusing on the "just do it" part.
My personal fear is that we will then get a lot of people doing things twice. I mean, people get confused the more, the more confusing things are :-) They click on edit and up pops this huge preview, probably with a message box, which they won't read anyway. Then they have to scroll down towards the edit box and see different text thatn what they expected. I'm not really convinced that this will work.
I know that this is maybe to advanced for the first version (and we need to test it at one point in the wild if we want to suceed) but IMHO worthwile for later improvements.
Yes, definitely :-)