Super. Mire me ndegju qe kemi aleat ne pozita kyce. Po e kontaktoj.
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Bubullima wrote:
Pershendetje perseri,
Po lexoja aplikimin e wikimedias se Republikes Ceke dhe ka shume marredhenie bashkepunimi me arkivat.
Desha t'ju them qe Ardit Bido, tani drejtor i Arkivit te Shtetit Shqiptar, ka qene nje wikipedian dhe nofka e tij ishte Ardit Bido, e pastaj Balkanian`s word (
Arditi eshte autor i shume artikujve te vyer dhe ka qene pionier i shquar i wikipedianeve shqiptare.
Ndoshta nje bisede me te do mund te ndriconte nje mundesi per te skanuar nje numer te madh dokumentash nga Arkivat e Shtetit Shqiptar qe mund te licensohen si "free media".
Ju pershendes dhe ju uroj me te mirat per iniciativen.
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-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-SQ] Fwd: Following up about Simple Annual Plan Grants Local Time: December 26, 2017 12:13 PM UTC Time: December 26, 2017 5:13 PM From: To: Bubullima, Albanian Wikipedia mailing list
Faleminderit. Nuk e ceka direkt, kjo kish me qene Simple Annual Plan Grant 6-mujore
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Bubullima wrote:
Me falni, injoroni emailin e pare, u dergua gabimisht. Arianit: projekti do kete mbeshtetjen time. Po jap ca linke me poshte. Deadline-i i Rapid grants ka mbaruar per kete vit (ishte 15 dhjetor 2017 -, keshtu qe ose duhet aplikuar per nje late application, ose duhet bere nje Project (me buxhet te limituar, ne menyre qe te jete i suksesshem). (Rapid - deri $2000)
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-SQ] Fwd: Following up about Simple Annual Plan Grants Local Time: December 26, 2017 11:00 AM UTC Time: December 26, 2017 4:00 PM From: To: Albanian Wikipedia mailing list Albanian Wikipedia mailing list
Arianit, faleminderit,
Po ve ca linke per grantet e ndryshme:
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-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Wikipedia-SQ] Fwd: Following up about Simple Annual Plan Grants Local Time: December 26, 2017 7:28 AM UTC Time: December 26, 2017 12:28 PM From: To: Albanian Wikipedia mailing list
Pershendetje, Po i kthehem emailit me poshte te Winifredit te WMF-se prej prillit dhe idese qe e kam ngrite me ju ne raste te mehershme. Ka qene synim i kahmotshem i imi me e angazhu dikend me orar te plote ne menaxhimin e projekteve Wiki. Besoj qe kjo na mundeson me i shtu aktivitetet, me promovu ne media me shume, dhe me u marr sidomos me shkolla ku une e shoh potencialin ma t'madh.
Tash qe e kam identifiku dikend qe ka me u marr me te, mundemi me apliku. Donika Gjigolli ka qene aktive ne FLOSSK deri me 2016, ka kry shkenca kompjuterike. Ka ndihmu ne organizimin e konferences SFK.
Aplikimi duhet me u ba prej nje entiteti ligjor, per momentin kjo le t'jete FLOSSK, e me vone nese na ka sukses e meriton zgjerim, mundemi me mendu nje OJQ te dedikume.
Eshte mire qe kjo ide me e pas mbeshtetjen e komunitetit.
Cfare mendime keni?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Winifred Olliff Date: Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 7:09 PM Subject: Following up about Simple Annual Plan Grants To:, Cc: Alex Wang
Pershendetje, Greta & Arianit!
Arianit, I wanted to follow up with you since I remember from our session on grants during the Wikimedia Conference that you were interested in learning more about Annual Plan Grants. I understand that your group has some experience making successful Rapid Grant applications already. It's good for your group to be in touch with the grants program officers right away to discuss your plans. That way we can make sure that you're on the right track to reach your goals. Now you know who I am, so you can Email me if you ever want to talk more about APG :)
Running an Annual Plan Grant is a bit different from running a successful project or rapid grant. It requires you to plan your activities in advance for the entire grant period, and to consult with your community in advance. You will also need to be able to juggle several projects simultaneously, which means that your group will need to have solid project management skills. You will want to make sure your leadership team is stable and able to commit to work throughout the entire grant period. More effort may be needed to monitor your finances, manage your group, and do the reporting required. This decision will require a lot of discussion within your group, to make sure you can make these commitments. It's important to know that you can't apply for any other grants if you receive an APG. The APG needs to include all of your expenses for the grant period.
If you want to grow your group and your activities, you have several different options.
- *Rapid Grants.* Sticking with Rapid Grants will allow you the most
flexibility and require the least commitment. 2. *Project Grants. *A Project Grant might be a good option if you prefer to focus on developing one of your programs in depth an build your groups skills in project management. The Project Grants team can offer you coaching in how to implement your project. You would have the option to pursue multiple project grants or rapid grants at the same time, so you have some flexibility. 3. *APG. *Your first APG would probably be 6 months long and include basic operating expenses as well as funding for 1-2 programs. You would have to stick to your 6-month plan and couldn't apply for any additional grants during the grant term. In APG, we focus less on project management and more on helping groups develop their long term plans and keep their organizations running smoothly. This means that you will already need to have enough experience to manage several projects on your own.
We are happy to talk with you more about the best options for your group, and your plans for the future.
Te gjithe mirat!
-- Winifred Olliff Senior Program Officer Wikimedia Foundation
-- *Arianit Dobroshi*
President of Executive Board - Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova ( FLOSSK)
+377 44 905 647 <+37744905647> | |
Wikipedia-SQ mailing list
-- *Arianit Dobroshi*
President of Executive Board - Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova ( FLOSSK)
+377 44 905 647 <+37744905647> | |