It might be worth piloting this with one of the more active partnerships as well. Both BNA and lend themselves particularly well to hashtags, because there are lots of smaller edits, to a wider range of pages. If you wanted to coordinate a 2-3 month trial with editors that have access to a particular project, asking all of them to try using the hashtags, and then collect feedback on if they found themselves using the hashtags and/or how successful they were at using them: that would be great!
As you know from the blog post: , the hashtags tool is still highly experimental -- so understanding to what extent experienced editors find this useful/intuitive would be great!
Alex Stinson
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Jake Orlowitz wrote:
Neat idea Shyamal. We are looking at a few ways to track when partner sources are added. The |via parameter, link search, and hashtags are all an option. We want to ideally limit the amount of extra thinking/remembering/doing editors have to do. I love your initiative here and think it's worth leaving as a suggestion for editors on the TWL talk page, or perhaps in our next newsletter.
On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 8:16 PM Shyamal Lakshminarayanan <> wrote:
The new tool to track edit comments with hashtags seems like something useful to keep track of contributions. I have recently begun using #BNA and #JSTOR to mark some of my edits and it seems useful. It might be worth discussing and deciding standards for better tracking of usage of Wikipedia Library access grants and their usage.
best wishes Shyamal
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