Hello all,
For improved collaboration, general TWL chat, or quicker help to those who are stuck or have questions regarding accounts, references, anything regarding TWL, Samwalton9 and I have setup a new IRC channel for Wikipedia library at #wikipedia-library in Freenode https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#wikipedia-library. IRC being one of the high-traffic and preferred modes for communication in various open source projects, we hope you like this idea.
Now the channel needs more coordinators to manage it and help users with their questions. I'd like to invite all the coordinators to join the channel - and idle if possible - to make this a success. Non-coordinators are more than welcome; stop by if you want to chat about the Wikipedia Library, have requests for databases, or have a general quick queries. Please let me or Samwalton9 know if you have any questions.
- -- Regards,
UY Scuti
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