Nevermind, everyone.
There must have been a longer delay than I was willing to wait for.
Because now all are valid.
But this happened last night and this morning, too, so thought you'd want a
head's up.
Take care.
Anna Koval, M.Ed.
Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation
+1.415.839.6885 x6729
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Anna Koval <akoval(a)> wrote:
> Hey Wikimetrics List,
> I've tried several times to create a new cohort, but it's telling me that
> there are 0 valid and 0 invalid -- how can that be possible?? :\
> Screenshot attached.
> Please advise.
> Thanks!
> Anna Koval, M.Ed.
> Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
> Wikimedia Foundation
> +1.415.839.6885 x6729
> akoval(a)
is seems Wikimetrics is currently suffering load problems and may
appear down.
The corresponding bug is 68743:
Best regards,
---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
Christian Aistleitner
Kefermarkterstrasze 6a/3 Email: christian(a)
4293 Gutau, Austria Phone: +43 7946 / 20 5 81
Fax: +43 7946 / 20 5 81
Dear Wikimetrics Community,
The Wikimetrics website was updated yesterday (Thursday July 24, 2014) with
2 notable updates:
New Metric: Rolling Active Editor
You can select this new metric when creating a new report. For a given
day, it returns the number of active editors in your cohort based on the
last 30 day window from your target date. We recommend you always use the
default/canonical settings of a 30 day window and 5 edits so you can
compare apples to apples. The scientific definition is here .
Changes to the JSON Output of Public Scheduled Reports
This will only affect those running Public Scheduled reports (a handful of
users). Data in the JSON output file has been grouped into a more concise
date 1:
date 2:
date 1: result
date 2: result
As always, feel free to post questions on this list.
Kevin Leduc
Hi, Wikimetrics folks!
I mentioned to Dan a while back that I would find it super useful if gender
(for those who self-identify on their user accounts) were incorporated into
the cohort information on Wikimetrics. Since this isn't currently
available, Dan mentioned asking others if they would find it useful.
If you would find it useful to be able to pull the gender of your cohorts,
please let us know! I personally work with students and would like to see
how much content our women are adding to Wikipedia, if there are any
differences in editing behavior from a gender standpoint, which academic
disciplines draw more women onto Wikipedia, etc.
Jami Mathewson
Program Manager
Wiki Education Foundation
jami(a) <jami(a)>
User:Jami (Wiki Ed) <>
@WikiEducation <>
*Our organization supports the Wikipedia Education Program in the United
States and Canada.*