Oscar, There's also a registration form to be filled that was sent earlier on by Bence but you can't fill it in since you don't have a passport. That being said, when are you expecting your passport?
-------------------------------------- Feel free to contact me: Abbas Mahmood Tel: +254722215101 Facebook: abbasjnr@hotmail.com Skype: abbasjnr Wikimedia Kenya Member
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Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 16:15:15 +0300 From: oslimoke@gmail.com To: wikimediake@lists.wikimedia.org Subject: [Wikimedia Kenya] Wikimedia Conference
Hi guys,I dont Know if it this in order and my advance apologies if its not.I just filled our representative names for the above here:http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2011/Participants#Chapte...