Thanks Asaf , for bringing this up , Was not privileged to attend the Saturday meeting but persuaded to believe it dint achieve much .There has been considerable noise on the matter of accountability of WMKE funds ,which is very healthy and can not be wished away . Permit me to use this forum to address the Board members whom members entrusted responsibility , there is work cut out for you ,We need you to steer us through this murky waters. your priority should be; 1.Set up a dedicated joint account for WMKE funds ASAP 2.Finalize the incorporation thing ,its unfortunate that Abbas who was taking care of this & has since left ,who i must applaud for his immense contribution . And finally someone please update me on the status of the audit committee ,is in place ? if this is not done pretty soon we shall be asking ourselves ,...When did the rain start hitting us ?
my concerns ,with love!
On 8/25/12, Asaf Bartov wrote:
Dear WMKE colleagues,
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Asaf Bartov wrote:
Indeed, David's suggestion is good.
Also, just to address Isaac's comment: _certainly_ Steve and all other office holders are primarily answerable to the board, and to the members. WMF is a side entity here, and the only reason I have requested and received the tracking sheet is that I was told the Saturday meeting "exploded" without actually finishing the review.
I do hope WMKE can resolve this on its own, and am confident it can.
It's been two weeks, and I have not heard anything further. Has this been resolved yet? Is there progress with setting up a dedicated joint account, for the interim until WMKE is fully incorporated?
Asaf Bartov Wikimedia Foundation <>
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