I had some fun with a graph generated by interwiki.py . Before giving you the article from which I generated it, some data:
The png: - tooks like 15 minutes to generate. - file is 3.6MB - size is 29903x4564 Scaling to 50% size with ImageMagick used 1.3GB of disk space :) - can only be viewed in firefox (all my other image viewers crash :p).
Looking at the result, it's very nice and very very messy. I doubt I will be able to solve it today :o)
The article is: interwiki.py -lang:fr Agriculture
Looking at meta: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Interwiki_graphs
Maybe the graphs should be made smaller, the simple one about [[Allier_(département)]] is 1100x930px. Maybe this is cause by the font size ?
Anyway, great work on using graphwiz ;))))))))