Hello Olaf,
The trick is to query for the property value node instead of the proterty direct value.
Example in ArtBase:
https://tinyurl.com/yft9u5kg On Wikidata, you can replace "rt:" --> "wdt:" "rp:" --> "p:" "rpsv:" --> "psv:"
With the "property direct" ("rt") you query for just the value of the property.
With "property" ("rp") you query for the node that holds the value, and more meta-information about the value.
The node contains the "node value" ("rpsv"), and that value has a precision value ("wikibase:timePrecision"). 9 is year level, 10 is month level, 11 is day level.
Hope that helps! :)
select ?artwork ?inception ?date_precision WHERE { ?artwork rt:P3 r:Q5 . ?artwork rt:P26 ?inception .
?artwork rp:P26 ?inception_node . ?inception_node rpsv:P26 ?inception_value . ?inception_value wikibase:timePrecision ?date_precision . } LIMIT 100