I noticed we can have several identical references for the same statement. Here is an example from Wikidata [1]:
---------8<--------------------------------------------------- 'references': [ { 'hash': 'fa278ebfc458360e5aed63d5058cca83c46134f1', 'snaks': { 'P143': [ { 'datatype': 'wikibase-item', 'datavalue': { 'type': 'wikibase-entityid', 'value': { 'entity-type': 'item', 'id': 'Q328', 'numeric-id': 328}}, 'hash': 'e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694', 'property': 'P143', 'snaktype': 'value'}]}, 'snaks-order': ['P143']}, { 'hash': 'fa278ebfc458360e5aed63d5058cca83c46134f1', 'snaks': { 'P143': [ { 'datatype': 'wikibase-item', 'datavalue': { 'type': 'wikibase-entityid', 'value': { 'entity-type': 'item', 'id': 'Q328', 'numeric-id': 328}}, 'hash': 'e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694', 'property': 'P143', 'snaktype': 'value'}]}, ---------8<---------------------------------------------------
From what I understood from the docs [2][3], lists in the JSON
serialized output are actually _sets_. So how can we have the same item twice in a set? Can I safely ignore the duplicate reference?
Regards, - Sylvain
[1]: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&format=json&... [2]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/DataModel/JSON#References [3]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/DataModel#ReferenceRecords