Dear Wikibase community members,
As co-curators of the Wikibase track at WikidataCon 2021, we (Lozana and Laurence) would like to extend a warm invitation to those working on related projects to propose sessions you'd like to present or participate in, either during Wikibase's track - 11:00-18:00 UTC Sunday October 31<> - or at the conference in general.
WikidataCon is held every two years, coinciding with Wikidata’s birthday. This year it'll be held virtually over October 29-31. You can read about WikidataCon 2021<>, and submit proposals here<> -- we're planning a session of lightning talks, so if you have an idea that might not fit a standard 25- or 55-minute session, feel free to put it forward!
Submissions are open through October 20th; though the sooner you submit, the easier it'll be to fit you in. Each proposal undergoes an internal review process, and the schedule will be gradually released over the coming weeks, starting with an initial version on October 5th.
If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Lozana Rossenova<>, Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry<>
Wikibase Community User Group
Hi everyone,
We have our next Wikibase Live Session on Thursday, September 30th at 1600
UTC <> (18:00 Berlin).
What are you working on around Wikibase? You're welcome to come and share
with the Wikibase community.
*Details about how to participate are below:*
Time: 16:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin), 1 hour, Thursday 30th September 2021
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Talk to you soon!
Mohammed Sadat
*Community Communications Manager for Wikidata/Wikibase*
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