Dear all,
ABES (Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education) and BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) in France are jointly involved in an initiative to build a central national platform for the description of “entities”, including persons, corporate bodies, works, concepts, places…
The challenge is to create and maintain centrally and cooperatively information about entities documented in the collections held by libraries and other cultural heritage and research institutions in France. Key objectives also include, but are not limited to : better integrate into the Web of data the reference datasets created by such institutions and facilitate the use of data by any interested community; share efforts and increase possibilities to collectively improve data quality; develop a shared data strategy. In the previous stage, ABES and BnF carried out a feasibility study, including investigation of different solutions to support the overall infrastructure of the platform. The study led to the conclusion that it would be advisable at this stage to carry out a Proof of Concept in order to investigate the possibility of using the software infrastructure of WikiBase to support the FNE. The rationale is based on the observation that a good portion of the principles and functional characteristics of WikiBase and its related tools are likely to respond to the functional requirements that both partners have formulated for FNE. This hypothesis remains to be proved by the Proof of Concept this tender is about, and ABES and BnF are looking for a contractor that will help them test it. The call for tender is open until April 26th. All the documents are available here . While the responses to the call for tender can be written in English, provided a French version is also supplied alongside, While the responses to the call for tender can be written in English, provided a French version is also provided alongside, mastering French language is not a prerequisite.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Benjamin Bober
Chef de projet Fichier National d'Entités
+33 4 67 54 84 74
227 avenue Professeur Jean-Louis Viala |CS 84308
34193 Montpellier Cedex 5
I am writing here to ask for help regarding a custom Repository/Client
Wikibase installation i made locally.
Just as a brief introduction: we already have a productive 15.000 pages
custom wiki. Since it is quite data-intensive, we would like to
implement Wikibase and migrate the more structured data there.
Before going Wikibase on the productive Wiki, I setup a local machine
for testing purpose and to gain experience on this extension.
So I setup two MediaWiki instances: one with the Repository and Client
extensions to act as "database" and the other one with only Client
extension, intended to only consume data.
I read all the documentation I found and I was able to make everything
work, although with some trial-and-error, but I can only read items with
Arbitrary Access doing something like `{{#statements:P1|from=Q1}}`.
Trying the Direct Access `{{#statements:P1}}` results in an empty string.
I think I somehow miss something in Interwiki and/or SiteLink, so please
help me here.
Am I right that, in order to use Direct Access, I need to add a SiteLink
in the Item page pointing to the page in the Client Wiki?
I should create a link in the "Other Sites" group from the Repository
wiki to the Client one? Am I right here?
When I try to add the site to "Other sites" I can only see
"wikidatawiki": I assume this is some kind of placeholder I should
customize, but I do not know how to do it.
I already setup the Interwiki linking between the two sites in the
"interwiki" table of the databases.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance for any help you might provide
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