Dear friends,
I spent 9 hours in airports and 9 hours on a plane on Tuesday/Wednesday, and I am still recovering from that purgatorial state and from the rigors of our week in Winedale. I am also slow to process events that have had great emotional significance for me. That's why I've not written before now.
I admit to feeling some trepidation about returning to Winedale: to my 20-year-old self, to acting again, to The Barn and its memories. But I see now that I was foolish to worry: from the first, every last one of you embraced me as if I were an old friend and made me feel I belonged there. And I can say without even an iota of exaggeration that I have never been in the company of so many extraordinary individuals. All of you so gifted in multiple ways and all of you imbued with the special passion for Shakespeare and for communal creativity that makes Winedale Winedale. It was rare company, and I am profoundly grateful to have been with you all--singing, eating, working, sweating, checking our streams. Extraordinary.
Here's how to contact me when you come to London:
From the States, the number is 011-44-20-7374-2550. The address is 161 Lauderdale Tower, the Barbican, London EC2Y 8BY. I can't offer to put you up, I'm afraid, but I can feed you a good dinner and go to the theater with you and introduce you to Russ, who is prepared to love you all after I've reported on our time together. Please, please call if you know you are coming. I'd be hurt if you didn't.
If you've requested book titles or websites or other information, I'll write to you separately.
For now, I send my love and gratitude.
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Dear Gail,
Ai ai ai, 18 hours to get home, you POOR thing.
Thank you for this lovely note. It was a pleasure and an honor to be with you at Winedale. I told you about the grounding/soaring, and in case you want reminding of the right-back-at-you of what you wrote, gifted presence you were for me. All these elements we threw together. Has anyone ever tried to combine all [supply number here] periodic elements? I overstate, as is my wont, but as can happen out there we achieved a sweaty alchemy, or close.
I'm imagining your paradoxical calm exuberance in print beyond emails. Which of your books should I start with, darlin?
Much love, and to Russ, and hope to see you SOON, Alice
PS Am talking to Mary today and trust to find out how Robert is. I have not written to him yet but mean to. Clayton told me of receiving a response from him that baldly said he wish he hadn't gone. No surprise, but I feel so badly for him. And reported that when Robert introduced Doc to Martha, Doc said hello and walked right away. Jesus, man! Here's hoping Doc is silent at least in part from regret for how he behaved.
From: Gail McDonald Reply-To: Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:33:34 +0100 To: weeklong-l Subject: [Weeklong-l] message from Gail
Dear friends,
I spent 9 hours in airports and 9 hours on a plane on Tuesday/Wednesday, and I am still recovering from that purgatorial state and from the rigors of our week in Winedale. I am also slow to process events that have had great emotional significance for me. That's why I've not written before now.
I admit to feeling some trepidation about returning to Winedale: to my 20-year-old self, to acting again, to The Barn and its memories. But I see now that I was foolish to worry: from the first, every last one of you embraced me as if I were an old friend and made me feel I belonged there. And I can say without even an iota of exaggeration that I have never been in the company of so many extraordinary individuals. All of you so gifted in multiple ways and all of you imbued with the special passion for Shakespeare and for communal creativity that makes Winedale Winedale. It was rare company, and I am profoundly grateful to have been with you all--singing, eating, working, sweating, checking our streams. Extraordinary.
Here's how to contact me when you come to London:
From the States, the number is 011-44-20-7374-2550. The address is 161 Lauderdale Tower, the Barbican, London EC2Y 8BY. I can't offer to put you up, I'm afraid, but I can feed you a good dinner and go to the theater with you and introduce you to Russ, who is prepared to love you all after I've reported on our time together. Please, please call if you know you are coming. I'd be hurt if you didn't.
If you've requested book titles or websites or other information, I'll write to you separately.
For now, I send my love and gratitude.
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Alice accidentally sent an email that was intended only for one or two people, and it contains comments meant in confidence. To avoid confusion and hurt feelings about things that are half-considered, please delete it without reading it.
Thanks --
On Aug 23, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Alice Gordon wrote:
Dear Gail,
Ai ai ai, 18 hours to get home, you POOR thing.
Thank you for this lovely note. It was a pleasure and an honor to be with you at Winedale. I told you about the grounding/soaring, and in case you want reminding of the right-back-at-you of what you wrote, gifted presence you were for me. All these elements we threw together. Has anyone ever tried to combine all [supply number here] periodic elements? I overstate, as is my wont, but as can happen out there we achieved a sweaty alchemy, or close.
I'm imagining your paradoxical calm exuberance in print beyond emails. Which of your books should I start with, darlin?
Much love, and to Russ, and hope to see you SOON, Alice
PS Am talking to Mary today and trust to find out how Robert is. I have not written to him yet but mean to. Clayton told me of receiving a response from him that baldly said he wish he hadn't gone. No surprise, but I feel so badly for him. And reported that when Robert introduced Doc to Martha, Doc said hello and walked right away. Jesus, man! Here's hoping Doc is silent at least in part from regret for how he behaved.
From: Gail McDonald Reply-To: Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 10:33:34 +0100 To: weeklong-l Subject: [Weeklong-l] message from Gail
Dear friends,
I spent 9 hours in airports and 9 hours on a plane on Tuesday/Wednesday, and I am still recovering from that purgatorial state and from the rigors of our week in Winedale. I am also slow to process events that have had great emotional significance for me. That's why I've not written before now.
I admit to feeling some trepidation about returning to Winedale: to my 20-year-old self, to acting again, to The Barn and its memories. But I see now that I was foolish to worry: from the first, every last one of you embraced me as if I were an old friend and made me feel I belonged there. And I can say without even an iota of exaggeration that I have never been in the company of so many extraordinary individuals. All of you so gifted in multiple ways and all of you imbued with the special passion for Shakespeare and for communal creativity that makes Winedale Winedale. It was rare company, and I am profoundly grateful to have been with you all--singing, eating, working, sweating, checking our streams. Extraordinary.
Here's how to contact me when you come to London:
From the States, the number is 011-44-20-7374-2550. The address is 161 Lauderdale Tower, the Barbican, London EC2Y 8BY. I can't offer to put you up, I'm afraid, but I can feed you a good dinner and go to the theater with you and introduce you to Russ, who is prepared to love you all after I've reported on our time together. Please, please call if you know you are coming. I'd be hurt if you didn't.
If you've requested book titles or websites or other information, I'll write to you separately.
For now, I send my love and gratitude.
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Weeklong-l mailing list
Clayton Stromberger Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin cell: 512-228-1055, cell #2 (backup): 512-363-6864 UT Sh. at W. office: 512-471-4726