Thought I'd pass this on to all of you.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "White, Barbara B" <barbara.white(a)>
> Date: March 16, 2011 5:52:19 AM PDT
> To: James Ayres <jayres(a)>
> Subject: RE: Virginia's Roses
> Doc,
> Thank you for planning this wonderful tribute to Virginia. She cared
> about Winedale very much and it must have been heartbreaking to see
> the bushes go away one-by-one. We are very excited to see the
> wonderful new plants that give Winedale a new beautiful beginning to
> springtime. The watering system you so thoughtfully added will help
> assure their survival through our hot summers. You are a great
> friend to so many and I know Virginia passed on peacefully knowing
> that her original gift will be perpetuated because of people like
> you who care so much!
> I will make sure to mention the sponsorships. I know others would
> love to contribute. There is so much history about Winedale that I
> still need to learn. You have all that stored in your head from
> having lived it. I would still love to write your history and your
> experiences at Winedale with Miss Ima. I think it is an important
> part of the equation. Thanks so much for caring so much.
> Best,
> Barbara
> ________________________________________
> From: James Ayres [jayres(a)]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:32 PM
> To: White, Barbara B
> Subject: Virginia's Roses
> Barbara:
> It was great fun doing the roses this morning. Thanks for your
> assistance with the preparation and thanks too to Elroy. Everyone was
> enthusiastic and very happy in planting this tribute to Virginia.
> Please ask Elroy to turn on the watering system every morning for the
> next three days for about 5 hours a day. After that, every other day,
> depending on the weather. I will be dropping by to do some of that
> myself, checking on how the roses are doing.
> We have created a "Rose for Virginia" sponsorship to defray all of the
> costs for the antique roses, the compost, the rose food, the watering
> system we have put in place. The sponsorships are $30.00. We planted
> 14 roses. As of this evening, I have received commitments for 8
> sponsorships. Two of them from Leon Hale and Babette.
> So if anyone wishes to join this effort, please have them send a check
> made out to me for $30.00 to P.O. Box 202, Round Top, Tx, 78954.
> Again, thanks for your help with this.
> Cheers,
> Doc