I check today some of my PHP script and i see problems with quotes. http://toolserver.org/~bayo/intercat.php?formCat1=%27&formCat2=&form... http://toolserver.org/%7Ebayo/intercat.php?formCat1=%27&formCat2=&formCat3=&formCat4=&form= You can click into "Afficher", thats funny :-)
Is the "magic quote" is activated, and can we remove it? I dont think last time i check, we use it. That why i request you before updating my scripts.
I see nothing "magic" on that, it's not an help, imho it only create bad code; hidding explicite quotes where it's need; editing strings we dont request; or need extra code to support both enabled/disabled "magic quote".
If we can't disable it for the server, is there a way to unactive it per scripts or per account? Sure, I also can remove quotes from PRE/POST/COOKIE/SESSION with hands, but i dont like that.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Is the "magic quote" is activated, and can we remove it?
it looks like php.ini wasn't copied to the new server. i've edited it to disable this and a few other things.
- river.