Hello all,
I got many eMails from you all :). I expand all these accounts to 5 May 2008. Below is the list of people who did NOT send me an email. So if you are NOT on this list, I got your eMail and everything is fine. If you are on this list and like to confirm your account, please send me an eMail to ts-not-expire@daniel.baur4.info (don't forget to name your accountname). If you are on the list and send me an eMail allready, please send it again.
Sincerly, DaB.
80686 aaron aaronsw adambro annabel arkyan autocracy avar aviator betacommand bjweeks brendan byrial cbrown1023 charlie chp1994 chris christophe cmackenzie cool_cat cyroxx dapete dario_vet darkoneko dbryant dvyjones eagle engels erkomandante escaladix evhart flacus fmaunier gchriss gerald geridev gmaxwell gribeco hashar helios hippietrail ideogram ilyah interiot ipye joanjoc kmartin kylu lar leon lottobot madman magnus marc mashiah mathbot mcmonster mdd4696 merphant millosh multichill nikola notafish olaf orgullo paulatz pgk porao presroi prolineserver purodha pxma revvar rhodo robert secular_mind selket shadow1 skenmy snowolf spamda stable stephanie stv symode09 tawker thebainer valhallasw veinor verisimilus viksit virgil vishwin60 voj webboy where wikihermit yuma zach
Hello all,
a new list. Same as the last time: If you are NOT on it, you are save; if you are on it, please send me an email (you know the adress ;)).
Sincerly, DaB.
aaronsw adambro arkyan autocracy avar bjweeks brendan byrial charlie chp1994 christophe cool_cat cyroxx dbryant eagle engels erkomandante evhart flacus fmaunier geridev gmaxwell hashar hippietrail ideogram interiot ipye joanjoc john kmartin kylu lottobot madman mathbot mdd4696 millosh olaf orgullo osamak paulatz pgk presroi purodha rhodo robert secular_mind selket snowolf stable stephanie symode09 tawker veinor verisimilus viksit virgil vishwin60 voj wikihermit