This mail affects you if you have user databases on s3, s4, s6 or s7. Other users can ignore it.
Currently, these clusters are all on the same server. During the re-import, I will do an internal server split, i.e. each cluster will be on a different MySQL server afterwards. We will then move user databases to the new servers, and do the same thing on the other server.
This presents a problem when restoring user databases, because it's not clear which cluster(s) the user intended each database to exist on. That problem will be resolved as follows: User databases which contain a wiki name or a cluster name in the database name will be restored to that cluster. All other databases will be restored to s3.
If you don't agree with this algorithm, you should list your database name under the appropriate cluster at [0] and it will be restored to the server you request. You can list one database under multiple servers, if you want (but please consider disk space requirements before doing that).
- river.
[0] https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/User:River/hyacinth_db_split