I get the error: import wikipedia ImportError: No module named wikipedia
What are you using to "schedule" the bot? cron? You probably just need to
set your PYTHONPATH somewhere.
For pywikipedia, this means that if your pywikipedia directory is at
/home/user/scripts/pywikipedia, you'd put something like this in cron:
0 1 2 3 4 PYTHONPATH=$HOME/scripts/pywikipedia python $HOME/vandalize.py If you're using qsub, you can set PYTHONPATH in an .environment file in
your home directory.
There might be a purely Pythonic way to do this as well. Just google around
a bit and you should be able to figure it out.
The Python way is: import sys #sys.path.append("C:\pywikipedia\") #Microsoft Windows #sys.path.append("/home/deltaquad/pywikipedia/pywikipedia") #Toolserver And I forget linux off the top of my head, but it's similar, just remove the first # on the one that applies to you.
-------------------------- DeltaQuad http://enwp.org/User_Talk:DeltaQuad