2009/1/16 Lilewyn lilewyn@yahoo.ca:
- Vandale (As above, but Van Dale was Dutch.)
- Willow
- Yarrow
- Zedler (Not a poisonous plant, but names after Johann Heinrich Zedler, who was an 18th century German encyclopedist. This is in keeping with the WMF naming scheme.)
Something needs to fill that gap :P
Short, usable, and thematic (poisonous plant) names might be:
- Azalea
- Daphne
- Digitalis
- Foxglove
- Hellebore
- Holly
- Lilly
- Oleander
- Privet
- Wolfsbane
- Yew
I'm sure someone came up with a name beginning with X, or am I just imagining it?