- By "ask a root" (to create a new repo) you mean grabbing one on IRC or
does one need to file a JIRA request?
either would probably work.
- After it's created, will fisheye use it automatically instead of
~/subversion or does it have to be stated explicitly as well?
as long as the person who changes it remembers to update fisheye as well.
- Will it still be writable by the owner user? (Useful for recreating from
svn dumps, for example.)
no, there is no direct access to the repository.
- Any quick pointers to repo management manuals? (Specifically about the
"can be done by editing a single file" part...) A specific chapter in svnbook should suffice (if it's there - I can't find one).
the file has to be edited by root; just open an issue saying what changes you want. the path-based access control is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html
- river.