On 13/11/12 09:12, Marlen Caemmerer wrote:
I am a bit confused. I found libtool installed on yarrow and nightshade which are the linux userland servers. I tried to autogen.sh the version of mdbtools from github and it worked until it tried to generate the man pages but this problem could be solved quite quick too. So I have a working copy of mdbtools 0.7 in my home done by autogen.sh.
It's strange:
platonides@nightshade ~$ cd /mnt/user-store/mdbtools/brianb-mdbtools-004cc9f platonides@nightshade brianb-mdbtools-004cc9f $ ./autogen.sh /usr/bin/libtoolize
**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed. Get ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libtool-1.2d.tar.gz (or a newer version if it is available)
Maybe it's not really libtool but some other dependency and the error message is misleading, what it's needing, but it's odd that it worked for you...
Ok, there is a bug in autogen.sh, it tries to run "libtooloze", not "libtoolize":
which libtoolize && (libtooloze --version)
Fixing that, it does compile (not even failing at the man pages). The result is at /mnt/user-store/mdbtools/mdbtools-0.7 and it seems to work with Extract_ODB_V10.2.10.mdb.
Marlen, you probably ran autoconf directly so you didn't hit the libtoolize call.