I'm not convinced about its utility. What tools would need combining? If I just need the results of a SQL query, it may be easier for me than using this system. Maybe a better interface would help.
The use case I see more interesting is for taking a tool which outputs a list of pages and provide for input of another tool. Some page/user to work with seems to be the most common input. Maybe we should just standarize the input parameters and let some tools chain to another, simply using a special format parameter.
For instance I usually use names like: art, lang, project such as: $_REQUEST += array('art'=>'', 'lang'=>'en', 'project'=>'wikipedia' );
Magnus Manske wrote:
Right now, a tool is started by this page via "nohup &"; that could change to the job submission system, if that's possible from the web servers, but right now it seems overly complicated (runtime estimation? memory estimation? sql server access? whatnot) The web page then returns the reserved output asset ID, while the actual tool is running; another tool could thus be "watching" asynchronously, by pulling the status every few seconds.
Yes, it can be called. I use it in a script for scheduling a cleanup of the created temporary files.
The relevant code:
$dt = new DateTime( "now", new DateTimeZone( "UTC" ) ); $tmpdir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/tmp"; @mkdir( $tmpdir, 0711 ); $shell = "mktemp -d --tmpdir=" . escapeshellarg($tmpdir) . " catdown.XXXXXXXX";
$tmpdir2 = trim( `$shell` ); // Program the folder destruction // Note that qsub is 'slow' to return, so we perform it in the background $dt->add( new DateInterval( "PT1H" ) ); exec( "SGE_ROOT=/sge/GE qsub -a " . $dt->format("YmdHi.s") . " -wd " . escapeshellarg( $tmpdir ) . " -j y -b y /bin/rm -r " . escapeshellarg( $tmpdir2 ) . " 2>&1 &" );