Hello, Am Donnerstag, den 25.01.2007, 19:39 +0100 schrieb Dschwen:
Hello list, there is some confusion about the deactivation of magnus' account. This has very visible impact, as he provides the geohack-tool which is linked to on over 100000 Wikipedia pages (through every geo coordinate template). Any info on whats going on?
Magnus tools are deactivated, because 1 or more tools makes thousand of mysql-queris per hour and that make the database unusable and the replag goes high very fast. So magnus have to fix the bug (if it's a bug) or changed his tools (if it's by design). I know, that magnus tools are used very often, but there a many tools at the toolserver by many users and all should have the chance to use the database.
Best, Daniel
Sincerly, DaB.