I went through the logs again to see which tools are currently not found. Here is a top list. The second entry comes from people who placed redirects but forgot to write "http://tools.wmflabs.org" and instead put "//tools.wmflabs.org" in instead. I am currently going through the htaccess files with a script and will correct it when I know where exactly it went wrong.
1647 ~platonides/activeusers 1577 /tools.wmflabs.org 901 ~rhaworth/os 520 ~magnus/cgi-bin 509 ~drtrigon/cgi-bin 490 ~zache/incatsince 383 ~enwikt/wotd 366 ~overlordq/cgi-bin 281 ~luxo/contributions 170 ~sk/cgi-bin 147 ~platonides/wlm 143 ~dschwen/iip 139 ~cspurrier/rss 124 ~panther/russia 115 ~h4ck3rm1k3/osmgit 109 ~zach/cgi-bin 101 ~quentinv57/sulinfo 96 ~skagedal/feeds 93 ~superzerocool/es-wn.xml HTTP 77 ~cbm/footer-grad.png HTTP 77 ~cbm/bullet.gif HTTP 71 ~overlordq/scripts 62 ~h4ck3rm1k3/rails 56 ~snottywong/cgi-bin 56 ~dschwen/wma 54 ~interiot/cgi-bin 54 ~apper/sc 49 ~magnus/wiki_js 49 %7Echm/whois 45 ~svick/CLT 41 ~alexxw/Denkmalliste 39 %7Eoverlordq/scripts 32 ~dcoetzee/duplicationdetector 31 ~revolus/afterUpload 31 ~dereckson/translate 29 /toolserver.org 29 ~bawolff/rss.php?title=%E7%BB%B4%E5%9F%BA%E6%96%B0%E9%97%BB&domain=zhwikinews&cat=%E5%B7%B2%E5%8F%91%E5%B8%83&lim=20&ns=0 HTTP 29 %7Eluxo/contributions 28 ~sk/checkwiki 26 ~diberri/cgi-bin 22 ~avatar/feed 20 ~dereckson/cgi-bin 19 ~gmaxwell/jorbis 19 ~cmackenzie/wotd-rss.php HTTP 18 ~wikifeeds/adt
Cheers nosy