I'm currently working on some tools to allow web-based creation of various types of maps for people that aren't comfortable editing SVG files. These tools will allow users to select a base map, choose which territories they want to shade in and how to shade them, generate an SVG file, and then push it to Commons. I have pretty much everything working except I would like to be able to show the user a PNG preview of their map before it is pushed to Commons. I tried using ImageMagick, but it gives horrible results. Has anyone else dealt with this problem on the toolserver? I've heard of a couple other possible solutions: 1. SVG2image, which is a PHP class that uses the Batik Java library to do the conversion. Apparently this is difficult to set-up, however, and may not work under PHP 5. 2. The librsvg library. Apparently this library may have some security problems, however, and reports of its ability to do decent conversions are mixed. 3. Calling inkscape from the command line. I doubt this is available on the toolserver, but who knows.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ryan Kaldari