DaB. schrieb:
I had to reboot nightshade unplaned, because I broke the /dev and no login where possible anymore (I guess it broke many other things too). Users told me, that the reboot-message was not received too, sorry again.
Sorry for using the mailing list for my problem, but jira seems not to work at the moment.
Since your reboot, access to sql-s2 is not possible. The problem occurs from console as well as from phpmyadmin. I get an access denied message:
(from console) rdf@nightshade:~$ sql dewiki_p ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'rdf'@'nightshade.toolserver.org' (using password: YES)
(from phpmyadmin) #1045 - Access denied for user 'rdf'@'web.hyacinth.toolserver.org' (using password: YES)
All other db servers allow a login with my user / pw combination.
Has anyone the same problems?
Best wishes,