the new s2 server (daphne) is online, and should have caught up with replication later today. however, it is using a new MySQL build (version 5.1.35), which contains a critical InnoDB bug causing server crashes when innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is enabled. since we need this option to support long queries, we won't switch servers until a patch is available. (this is a new bug, unrelated to the previous one.) i hope this will happen later this week.
when we switch, user databases currently on the s2 server will _not_ be moved, and the 'sql' alias will continue to point at the old server (zedler). therefore, if you have created tables on the old server which you need to join to s2 databases, you will need to move these to the new server yourself. do not move normal user databases, they should remain on 'sql' as before.
- river.