Am 28.02.2009, 18:31 Uhr, schrieb River Tarnell river@loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk:
if you have user databases on yarrow, these will *not* be copied over, and furthermore will be deleted when s3 is re-imported to yarrow.
sorry, I'm not into server details, so how do I know, if I have user databases on yarrow? For my user databases I connect to "sql" and I don't think this is yarrow. Am I right, if I think, I got user databases on yarrow, if I connected for example to "enwiki-p.db.ts.wikimedia.org" and created a database there? Why is this possible at all? I thought that wasn't possible, but as you wrote about "user databases on yarrow" i'm confused.
Sincerely, Christian Thiele (apper)