(Removing wikitech-l cc since I'm not subscribed there.)
Roan Kattouw wrote:
2010/11/26 Bryan Tong Minh bryan.tongminh@gmail.com:
Somehow I think that publishing an entire dump violates the "do not publish significant parts of an article" rule.
Surely the toolserver admins could be asked to consider waiving that in this case considering the public nature of the dumps and the downtime situation with download.wm.o
It's not that toolserver admins are excentric adding such rule, but an issue of WM-DE liability if such information is published.
This is correct -- the rule applies to any article text, even articles already available on Wikimedia foundation-run websites. (Otherwise, there would be no point having the rule at all, since *all* text on the Toolserver is also available on the site itself.)
- river.