You are probably missing a PING-message whilest listening to IRC and then closes the connection when it doesn't receive a PONG in like 180 seconds.
2010/12/9 Михајло Анђелковић
Long ago I have noticed that the irc server is kicking my bot out after some time from some reason.
Then I looked closer and noticed there is a server's ping around that mishaps. Alright, then I just added an ad-hoc pong:
public void responsePing(String line) { try { out.println("PONG :" + line.substring(line.indexOf(":")+1)); } catch(Throwable th) { // ... } }
And said it to go to hell. Pure storytelling is not why I am writing this. I have a question. I was returning the server whatever it was sending to me as a ping. This is how it worked like two years ago. Has something changed?
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