At Wednesday 29 December 2010 18:39:07 DaB. wrote:
The problem is that this header field is either impossible or difficult to change, and even then only browser-wide, not site-wide.
4 clicks in FF, 3 clicks in IE, 5 clicks in chromium – very hard indeed. And what's the advantage to look at 1 tool in german and 1 tool in french? If I speak french and english that will not change depending if I look at google or at heise. And yes, there is no pre-definied locale for bavaria-dialect – what a pitty, because we have SO many tools that are localized in that language and now noone can see it! (I would be happy if the tools would be avaiable in the 5 biggest languages at all). And if that REALLY would be a problem, there is still the parameter left.
Sincerly, DaB.