Would text files (similar to the current page views, but summarised over each month) be ok ? I have a few scripts (some from Erik Zachte, and some of mine) that could be adapted to do this.
It's not the most efficient way to do it if you need random access (the API from stats.grok.se is probably better for this), but it would still be quite straightforward to parse.
On 17.11.2010 22:08, Kolossos wrote:
Hello, I'm also very interested to get easily montly statistics, that I can use as criteria for importance of articles to show them on a map[1]. So, I hope we get it.
Greetings Kolossos [1] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe:OpenStreetMap/en
Magnus Manske schrieb:
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:35 PM, MZMcBridez@mzmcbride.com wrote:
Magnus Manske wrote:
I know there are lots'o'files for daily (hourly?) pageview stats on the toolserver.
Are there aggregated counts for the whole month? So I only have to check 1 file instead of hundreds (the aggregated file would, of course, be smaller than the concatenated hourly ones). Or maybe even as a database? (Onecan dream...)
If not, does anyone volunteer to generate them? They'd really help with my GLAM tools, increase Wikimedia outreach etc.
Pageview stats are still a mess and there's no centralized or clean database, as far as I'm aware. Henrik's tool (stats.grok.se) has an API you can hit for monthly stats: http://stats.grok.se/json/en/201006/Barack_Obama
That's probably your best bet right now.
And that's what I'm doing, but I need to look for tens of thousands of pages, and it's very slow, not to mention traffic.
From what I understand, Wikimedia is devoting resources to setting up Open Web Analytics. The first test run is supposed to be this week, I think.
That sounds good. Was that announced anywhere?
Thanks, Magnus
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