On 07/11/13 01:30, Christian Thiele wrote:
Am 06.11.2013, 22:49 Uhr, schrieb Platonides platonides@gmail.com:
On nightshade, crontab *is* cronie.
The cron server is running and -after a quick test- working. The problem seems to lie with emails, which are not sent.
I spoke about willow, and there crontab didn't work (I don't receive any mails from cron (everything goes to /dev/null), but I write log files). I don't know what's the case with nightshade. I didn't thought about it because I changed my cron and on another MMP project crontab never worked on willow (only cronie), so I thought it's some problem with crontab. So I thought it was only my problem and switched to cronie for my user account, too (and it worked again). But then a mail was written by Danny. So it seems to be a general problem with crontab on willow.
Chris / APPER
Well, Danny was talking about nightshade. It is indeed the case that in willow crontab and cronie are different processes, and sometimes crontab dies (seems to be running, though).