On 7 September 2012 14:39, DaB. WP@daniel.baur4.info wrote:
I created new DNS-names in the form of "sql-user-X" where X is a letter ("sql-user-a" for example). The idea is now that you use not longer "sql", but "sql-user-X" where "X" is the first letter of your user-name (so the user "erik" use "sql- user-e" and the user "snowolf" use "sql-user-s"). [..] (for example we could move databases from "u_m*" till "u_z*" to the new box and nothing would break).
Does this apply for multi-maintainer projects too? Would the database p_acc_something fit under sql-user-a, even though it's p_a* and not u_a* ?