Silke Meyer (2014-06-04 10:41):
What editors should know The toolserver is a community-driven project. The tools shall be migrated by the developers resp. maintainers themselves. Many of them have already migrated their tools or have indicated that they will do so before the end of this month. We have a special agreement with the OpenStreetMap projects and with the developer of Merlbot [4] to ensure these tools don’t stop working. All other tools will stop working by July 1st.
What editors can do On Tool Labs [2], you can look up if the tools that you use and need have already moved there. Talk to the developers of your favourite tools: It is important to let them know how much you appreciate their tools and that you need them to do your work. Contact us if you don’t know who these developers are or if you have any questions or if you want us to forward wishes or requests to tool developers. Contact information is given at the end of this text. [...]
I think that should be injected to main pages of tools that are still working on Toolserver. Some overlay in the corner (link the "fork me on Github" but with golden-orange background) with either a popup hooked or simply a link (target=_blank) to an information page.
Cheers, Nux.