Am Sonntag, den 29.10.2006, 12:53 +0100 schrieb FlaBot:
debian changed it without an sysop?
no, of corse not. It was my fault. Yesterday night at 2:50 (CEST) I had a little time and tought "Update hemlock quick and go to bed then". So I give hemlock the update-command and saw, that the apache-configs should be updated. I tought "better not, we have make to many changes at these files". And that was wrong. The config-syntax changed a bit and the php5-cgi-config changed its place complete and so suphp could not find it anymore. Plus all, there was a bug in the suexec-bin in debian (the update-programm forgot to give it the suit-bit).
The secound problem was, that I did not notice it (I notice only, that the proxy to java brokes).
I hope, I have fix all problem, if not, report me please.
I learn after all to not do updated in the middle of the night. Sorry for the downtime.
Sincerly, DaB.