Alex Brollo wrote:
Then I tried to move to batch job sheduling, but... my script gives an error: now the server dislikes sys.path row. Why? I obviously have to study more: but what/where have I sto study? :-(
- The script bring into life a python bot, who reads RecentChanges at 10
minutes intervals by a cron routine. Is perhaps more efficient a #irc bot listening it.wikisource #irc channel for recent changes in your opinion? Where can I find a good python script to read #irc channels?
Gahhh, this list. Nobody suggested just using Python's Twisted?[1] So much easier than trying to write your own script in Python using sockets and manual pongs and all that jazz.
You're more than welcome to look around my home directory (check /home/mzmcbride/scripts/irc/) for some IRC bots. The bot I specifically use to relay to is on another server, but I'd be happy to post the code for you if you'd like. His name is snitch and he supports all Wikimedia wikis, multiple channels, and stalks per-page, per-user, or per-wiki.