On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM, DaB. WP@daniel.baur4.info wrote:
At Wednesday 29 December 2010 18:39:07 DaB. wrote:
The problem is that this header field is either impossible or difficult to change, and even then only browser-wide, not site-wide.
4 clicks in FF, 3 clicks in IE, 5 clicks in chromium – very hard indeed. And what's the advantage to look at 1 tool in german and 1 tool in french? If I speak french and english that will not change depending if I look at google or at heise.
*We* know how to change it, yes. The end-user does not necessarily know, because you normally don't really need it (even if the field itself is a nice thing to have!). BTW, what about closed platforms like iOS, Android and Windows Mobile/Phone 7? The subdomain makes sure that the same URL will give the same result on every platform when they click on the same link in Wikipedia/Wikisource/whatever. But that gives me another idea: Why not store the display language in a cookie, just like it's done with CentralAuth? This way, you can set it right inside MediaWiki and don't have to care about changing your browser/OS setting at all.