Skip the username and password part too. On the toolserver, mysqldump should be pulling your username & password from the config file. Specify the host (as by default, it won't connect to the local machine which is running no db). The standard format is listing the database as an argument, then all tables as following arguments.
$ mysqldump -h sql u_fuzkabir university > ~/public_html/university.sql
That was verified with my own table / db names.
On Oct 4, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Platonides wrote:
Tim Alder wrote:
Hello, try "/home/fuzkabir/public_html" instead of "/$home/fuzkabir/public_html" .
What works for me is: mysqldump u_kolossos_databaseX tableXXX > XXX.sql
Greetings Kolossos
mysqldump u- username -p password `u_fuzkabir`.`university` > / $home/fuzkabir/public_html;
and those ` would be interpreted by the shell.
Try mysqldump -u username -p password '`u_fuzkabir`.`university`' > /$HOME/public_html/university.sql
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