Apologies for top posting, on a mobile device.
The list description additions and tweaks are being tracked at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Thehelpfulone/Mailing_lists_cleanup.
The tweak for this and a few other lists was boldly done by Daniel, I plan to email list owners to let them know of changes before hand so they don't start wondering who changed their settings.
No further changes should be done before I've sent those emails, which I won't be doing just yet, so feel free to comment on or simply improve my suggested new list descriptions on Meta.
On Tuesday, June 26, 2012, DaB. wrote:
Hello, At Tuesday 26 June 2012 17:55:17 DaB. wrote:
Because recently folks combed through all the wmf-hsted mailing lists and added descriptions to those that did not have one.
And I was wondering why my auto-mail-sorting was not longer working… :-(.
The local list admin should be able to set a better description if this one sucks.
I will request ownership of this ML too and than change the name.
Sincerely, DaB.
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