Hi all!
As, so far — to my knowlegde, nothing has been settled regarding the new MMP interwiki, I suggest that *WE* (TS users, as DaB said) speed up this step... It would be a pity if nothing has been done at April 2nd, when the new rule 9.4 will be effective (no continous interwiki-bot on the TS)...
But how to choose users who will be in the MMP and actually who will be entirely responsive of the bot ? I think an election would be a bit difficult to organize - but if someone who has spare time feels like organizing it, why not ?
So I suggest that people interested in getting involved in the project let all the TS users know it, emailing the toolserver-l list... Then, TS users could support or critize one or more persons till a consensus is found... And in this mannner, people designed will have a few weeks (about a fortnight I think, but it depends on the last of the debate).
Here is my plan... What do you think about it ? Any other ideas ?
Personally, I've run a globally flagged interwiki-bot (ZéroBot) for a while, under a script I wrote (but still using interwiki.py from the pywikipediabot framework), and I'm pretty interested in being a member of the MMP...