De archiving bot geeft foutmeldingen. Als je kijk in de log zie ik onderstaande log.
Ik zie dat dit komt van:
if not self.acceptall: cview = pywikibot.input_choice(u'Wilt u deze wijzigingen bekijken?', [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n')], 'n')
Ik zie echter dat de archivering met -always wordt aangeroepen:
| Command: | /data/project/nlwikibots/venv-tf-python39/bin/python /data/project/nlwikibots/bots/archivering/archivering.py -always |
Iemand enig idee wat er gebeurd?
Wikipedia:Verzoekpagina voor moderatoren/Artikel verplaatsen <<<
Er worden 4 onderwerpen gearchiveerd ouder dan 42 dagen. In totaal worden 3042 tekens aangepast, een reductie van 2 procent. Deze onderwerpen worden gearchiveerd naar 2 verschillende archiefpagina's. Wilt u deze wijzigingen bekijken? ([y]es, [N]o): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/project/nlwikibots/bots/archivering/archivering.py", line 476, in <module> main() File "/data/project/nlwikibots/bots/archivering/archivering.py", line 472, in main bot.run() File "/data/project/nlwikibots/bots/archivering/archivering.py", line 359, in run cview = pywikibot.inputChoice(u'Wilt u deze wijzigingen bekijken?', ['Yes', 'No'], ['y', 'N'], 'N') File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/tools/__init__.py", line 1617, in wrapper return obj(*args, **kwargs) File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/bot.py", line 565, in inputChoice automatic_quit=False) File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/userinterfaces/terminal_interface_base.py", line 381, in input_choice answer = self.input(output) or default File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/userinterfaces/terminal_interface_base.py", line 293, in input text = self._input_reraise_cntl_c(password) File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/userinterfaces/terminal_interface_base.py", line 309, in _input_reraise_cntl_c text = self._raw_input() File "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/nlwikibots/venv-py35-stretch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pywikibot/userinterfaces/terminal_interface_base.py", line 248, in _raw_input return input() EOFError: EOF when reading a line CRITICAL: Exiting due to uncaught exception <class 'EOFError'>
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: noreply@toolforge.org Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 at 08:35 Subject: [Toolforge] [nlwikibots] notification about job archivering To: tools.nlwikibots@toolforge.org
We wanted to notify you about the activity of some jobs in the 'nlwikibots' Toolforge tool.
* Job 'archivering' (cronjob) (emails: onfailure) had 4 events: -- Pod 'archivering-28307910-crx2v'. Phase: 'running'. Container state: 'terminated'. Start timestamp 2023-10-28T06:30:11Z. Finish timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:15Z. Exit code was '1'. With reason 'Error'. -- Pod 'archivering-28307910-crx2v'. Phase: 'failed'. Container state: 'terminated'. Start timestamp 2023-10-28T06:30:11Z. Finish timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:15Z. Exit code was '1'. With reason 'Error'. -- Pod 'archivering-28307910-p2l9t'. Phase: 'running'. Container state: 'terminated'. Start timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:21Z. Finish timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:28Z. Exit code was '1'. With reason 'Error'. -- Pod 'archivering-28307910-p2l9t'. Phase: 'failed'. Container state: 'terminated'. Start timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:21Z. Finish timestamp 2023-10-28T06:31:28Z. Exit code was '1'. With reason 'Error'.
If you requested 'filelog' for any of the jobs mentioned above, you may find additional information about what happened in the associated log files. Check them from Toolforge bastions as usual.
You are receiving this email because: 1) when the job was created, it was requested to send email notfications. 2) you are listed as tool maintainer for this tool.
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