Hello to all our volunteer Discussion Coordinators and those following movement strategy discussions. Thanks again for signing up and for your engagement in our first cycle of discussions!
As many of you know, as of yesterday, cycle 1 discussions have officially ended. If you led a discussion and have not already done so, please make sure to upload and share the results from your conversations as soon as possible (Ideally, today, at the very latest by 23:59 UTC tomorrow April 20th). When completing your source page [1] submission it is most important to include the statements and keywords, and, if you feel inclined, optionally you may submit longer summaries. Be sure to also link your source pages[1] to the right column ("Summary Pages") in the outreach list[2]. If you have need for support, please reach out!
If you are interested in exchange with other discussion coordinators, you can see who else took on this role in other groups here[2] and I would also like to encourage you to subscribe to the coordinators' mailing list[3].
Today, the core team has begun analyzing and gathering the common themes from across all the global discussions and is working to post them soon to Meta. We will be preparing for the next cycle of the discussion to begin May 1st. In the next cycle the process will invite folks to look at the top 20 thematic clusters and work together to reduce them down to a top 5 and better define their meaning.
We will share more information and support on how to organize the upcoming conversations once that cycle begins. In the meantime, thank you for your support in uploading any remaining summaries and feel free to reach out should you have questions, ideas, or concerns.
Thanks, Jaime
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Sources [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Outreach/List [3] https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/strategy
Hello Jaime! Currently I'm on vacations, I could do it for next Monday. It is not very long.
Sorry about the delay
2017 api. 20 12:02 AM erabiltzaileak hau idatzi du (Jaime Anstee janstee@wikimedia.org): Hello to all our volunteer Discussion Coordinators and those following movement strategy discussions. Thanks again for signing up and for your engagement in our first cycle of discussions!
As many of you know, as of yesterday, cycle 1 discussions have officially ended. If you led a discussion and have not already done so, please make sure to upload and share the results from your conversations as soon as possible (Ideally, today, at the very latest by 23:59 UTC tomorrow April 20th). When completing your source page [1] submission it is most important to include the statements and keywords, and, if you feel inclined, optionally you may submit longer summaries. Be sure to also link your source pages[1] to the right column ("Summary Pages") in the outreach list[2]. If you have need for support, please reach out!
If you are interested in exchange with other discussion coordinators, you can see who else took on this role in other groups here[2] and I would also like to encourage you to subscribe to the coordinators' mailing list[3].
Today, the core team has begun analyzing and gathering the common themes from across all the global discussions and is working to post them soon to Meta. We will be preparing for the next cycle of the discussion to begin May 1st. In the next cycle the process will invite folks to look at the top 20 thematic clusters and work together to reduce them down to a top 5 and better define their meaning.
We will share more information and support on how to organize the upcoming conversations once that cycle begins. In the meantime, thank you for your support in uploading any remaining summaries and feel free to reach out should you have questions, ideas, or concerns.
Thanks, Jaime
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Sources [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Outreach/Li... [3] https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/strategy
Jaime Anstee, Ph.D Senior Strategist, Manager, & Affiliations Committee Liaison Learning & Evaluation Wikimedia Foundation +1.415.839.6885 ext 6869 www.wikimediafoundation.orghttp://www.wikimediafoundation.org/
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