I think ... trashing on wikipedia-l... is now a habit.
I really apology for starting such a mess 2 days ago; I just could not foresee some people could take so badly my comments. Even those on spanish americans which I felt was really polite and not critical. But this was my mistake.
I feel very low about all this right now. I strongly have the feeling that either what we write on wikipedia-l will lead to criticism, to insult or belittling, or that what we write will meet a total wall of silence. I am not sure I joined wikipedia for this. Neither for harsh criticism like we got about the html letter, nor for silence like on some recent topics where absolutely no feed back was given. I am actually balancing between either unregistering the wikipedia-l, or telling a couple of people very rude things.
Regardless..., Cormac..., I think that if so many people registered the news list, it means that many are interested. So, this should cheer us up. We can do it steps by steps. Each version will bring a new improvement. This time, the improvement will be 1) a mail address 2) many people registered and 3) a mail. This is good. Improvements will be brought to number 4.
As I told Samuel, I would really like that Quarto 3 is published before the elections are done. First because it is high time, second because it summarize many of the things we have been doing, and third because I tried to explain a little bit how the board has been working in the past year.
I rather doubt it will be all translated before the end of the elections; But I wish it is ;-) Still, I think that as soon as it is entirely done in english (are only left a few polishing details and translation of the board letter - I hope all is done by this week end), we should announce it in english. Perhaps only in the english wikipedia and the foundation-l, and call for help for translation.
It would be good that the email announcement is made before 2 weeks. 3 maximum. I know it won't be all translated in many languages by then. But I think if it is announced in 5 weeks, it will not be good.
Regarding your planned posting, I have a suggestion to do. I am not sure I understand why you want to do this test posting, but for testing if things are working fine. If not, explain to me the reason of the test ? If testing is the reason, I am a bit worried of the idea of sending the announcement of quarto number 2 as a test... People will really get confused !!! I might then make a suggestion : why not sending as a test the announcement for quarto 3 available in english ? Later, we will send the announcement in more languages.
If so, what we really need as text is
Object of the mail : Newsletter of the Foundation : Quarto 3 released in english !
en: This is the announcement for quarto 3. It will contain blablalbla.... blablabla blablabla link.
de: <in german>Quarto 3 has been released in english version. Translation in other languages is under way. We'll keep you informed of the release in german"</in german>
fr: <in french>Quarto 3 has been released in english version. Translation in other languages is under way. We'll keep you informed of the release in french"</in french>
What do you think ?
At worse, we can even add a little text in english at the top, saying "This is the first mail sent through this list and we are very much in the testing phase. Please forgive us if anything goes wrong :-) Thanks."
What do you think ? If this is okay to you, we mostly need to fix the little non english sentence and have it translated in say 2-3 days. It should not be a huge problem. If not okay, you should correct the french version, it mentions third trimester rather than fourth :-)
Cormac Lawler cormaggio@gmail.com wrote: Sorry everyone for my timeout on the Quarto front - I felt quite despondent after the trashing on the wikipedia-l list of our html idea. Sj has just asked if we could send out a simple text email this week as a pilot to the release of WQ3, so here's my draft version. Some questions: *It's copied and pasted from the same source as before; The text (including Japanese) works in my email client (gmail) - does it in yours? *The text said WQ2 was available in 5 languages - I've changed most of them to 9, but there are some, like Czech which had five in words and I don't know what five is in Czech. Japanese has a few numbers in the line, but Aphaia (or another Japanese speaker) will have to clear that one up for us. *There's a Dutch (Nl) release message but no official link from the WMF Quarto. What should we do about this?
Oh, and generally, what changes do you all think we should make to the below text? Sj was hoping to send something out this weekend..
Regards Cormac
Wikimedia Quarto je oficiáln�­ bulletin nadace Wikimedia. Wikimedia Quarto č. 2 Edice Leden 2005 vyšlo 15. března. Nyn�­ je dostupné v mnoha jazyc�­ch.
Mimo jiné obsahuje: pozdravy od dozorč�­ rady, Jimba a Anthere; rozhovor s Lawrencem Lessigem; čtvrtletn�­ zprávy nadace z loňského podzimu; různé aktivity projektů Wikimedie.
Pokud se zaj�­máte o publikován�­ tohoto bulletinu, pros�­m přihlaste se do mailing listu quarto-l.
Wikimedia Quarto nyn�­ přij�­má texty pro č�­slo 3, které vyjde v dubnu. Dalš�­ informace najdete na m:Talk:WQ/3.
Vaše ohlasy pros�­m směřujte na m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto ist der offizielle Newsletter der Wikimedia Foundation. Wikimedia Quarto vol. 2 (Edition vom Januar 2005) wurde am 15. März veröffentlicht. Er ist in 9 Sprachen erhältlich.
Inhalt: Grüße des Board of Trustees, Jimbo und Anthere; ein Interview mit Lawrence Lessig; Quartalsbericht der Foundation aus dem letzten Herbst; diverse Aktivitäten der Wikimedia Projekte.
Wenn du daran interssiert bist, den Newsletter zu veröffentlichen, trag dich bitte hier ein: quarto-l mailinglist.
Jetzt wird gerade eine ein Entwurf für den Wikimedia Quarto volume 3 erstellt, der im April erscheinen soll. Siehe m:Talk:WQ/3 für weitere Informationen.
Bitte teil uns dein Feedback auf m:Talk:WQ mit.
The Wikimedia Quarto is the official newsletter of Wikimedia Foundation. Wikimedia Quarto vol.2 (January 2005) is currently available in 9 languages.
Content includes: greetings from the Board of Trustees; greetings from Jimbo and Anthere; an interview with Lawrence Lessig; the quarterly report of Foundation for the third tremester of 2004(from Oct. till Dec.); and reports on the diverse activities of the Wikimedia projects.
If you are interested in the process of producing the newsletter, please subscribe to the quarto-l mailinglist.
Right now, Wikimedia Quarto is calling for submissions to volume 3, to be released in April, 2005. Please see m:Talk:WQ/3 for further information.
Post feedback on Wikimedia Quarto, vol. 2, to m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto es el bolet�­n oficial de la Fundación Wikimedia. Wikimedia Quarto vol.2 Edición de enero de 2005 fue publicado el 15 de marzo. Está actualmente disponible en nueve idiomas.
Su contenido incluye: Saludos de la Junta de Administración, Jimbo y Anthere; entrevista con Lawrence Lessig; Reporte trimestral de la Fundación del pasado trimestre; actividades diversas de los proyectos Wikimedia.
Si está interesado la publicación del bolet�­n, por favor suscr�­base a lista de correos quarto-l.
Actualmente está abierta la recepción de colaboraciones para el volumen 3, para ser publicado en abril. Véase WQ/3 para mayor información.
Por favor escriba sus comentarios en m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto est la lettre d'information officielle de Wikimedia Foundation. Le numéro 2 (janvier 2005) est disponible en 9 langues.
Aperçu du contenu : messages de bienvenue du Conseil d'administration ; messages de Jimbo et Anthere ; interview avec Lawrence Lessig ; rapport de la Foundation pour le troisième trimestre 2004 (octobre � décembre) ; rapports sur les diverses activités des projets Wikimedia.
Si vous souhaitez prendre part � l'élaboration de cette lettre, merci de vous abonner � la liste de diffusion quarto-l.
Wikimedia Quarto lance un appel � soumissions pour le numéro 3, prévu pour avril 2005. Merci d'aller voir m:Talk:WQ/3 pour plus d'informations.
Les avis et commentaires sur Wikimedia Quarto numéro 2 sont les bienvenus sur m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto è la newsletter ufficiale della fondazione Wikimedia. Wikimedia Quarto vol.2 Edition of January 2005 è al momento è disponibile in 9 lingue.
Il suo contenuto include: saluti dal Consiglio di Amministrazione, saluti da Jimbo e Anthere; un'intervista con Lawrence Lessig; il rapporto trimestrale della Fondazione per il terzo trimestre del 2004 (da Ottobre a Dicembre); e rapporti sulle svariate attivit� dei progetti Wikimedia
Se sei interessato a a partecipare alla newsletter, iscriviti a quarto-l mailinglist.
Adesso Wikimedia Quarto è disponibile per la ricezione di aiuti per il volume 3, che verr� rilasciato in Aprile 2005. Per maggiori informazioni d� un'occhiata a m:Talk:WQ/3.
Invia qualsiasi commento a m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto はウィ�­メディア財団の公式の広� �誌です。第2号・2005年1月号は3月15日発行されました。現在5ヶ国語でお�­みいた� けます。また、第3号への原稿を募集�­です。詳細はこちらをご覧下さい。。
第2号の内容:理事からのごあいさつ、財団と各プ�­ジェクトの活動� �告、インタビュー「�­ーレンス・レッシグ」、各国での� �道など
広� �誌の発行にご関心をお持ちの方は、Quarto メーリングリストへぜひご参� く� さい。
第2号をお�­みになったご感想・ご意見はm:Talk:WQへお寄せく� さい。
Wikimedia Quarto is de officiële nieuwsbrief van de Wikimedia Foundation. De 2e editie van Wikimedia Quarto is momenteel beschikbaar in 9 talen.
In Quarto vind je onder meer: Groeten van het Board; groeten van Jimbo en Anthere; een interview met Lawrence Lessig; het kwartaalverslag van het 3e trimester van 2004 (okt. t/m dec.); en verslagen van de activiteiten van verscheidene Wikimedia projecten.
Je kunt je aanmelden voor een email of gedrukte versie van de nieuwsbrief.
Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het produktieproces van de nieuwsbrief, abonneer je dan op de quarto-l mailinglist.
Op het moment vraagt Quarto om kopij voor de 3e editie, te publiceren in april 2005. Zie: m:Talk:WQ/3 voor meer informatie.
Plaats feedback over de 2e editie van Wikimedia Quarto op m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto to oficjalny biuletyn Fundacji Wikimedia. Wikimedia Quarto 2 ze stycznia 2005 jest obecnie dostępne w 9 językach.
W numerze: pozdrowienia od Rady Powierniczej, pozdrowienia od Jimbo i Anthere, wywiad z Lawrencem Lessigiem, raport kwartalny Fundacji na trzeci kwartał 2004 (od października do grudnia) oraz raporty o rozmaitych działaniach projektów Wikimediów.
Zainteresowanych pomocą przy tworzeniu biuletynu prosimy o zapisanie się na listę dyskusyjną quarto-l.
Obecnie Wikimedia Quarto wzywa do zgłoszeń materiałów do wydania 3, planowanego na kwiecień 2005. Więcej informacji na ten temat znajduje się po adresem m:Talk:WQ/3.
Zapraszamy do wyrażania opinii na temat Wikimedia Quarto 2 pod adresem m:Talk:WQ.
Wikimedia Quarto é o boletim oficial da Fundação Wikimedia. Wikimedia Quarto vol.2 (Edição de janeiro de 2005) está atualmente dispon�­vel em 9 idiomas.
Seu conteúdo inclui: saudações do Conselho Diretivo, de Jimbo e de Anthere; uma entrevista com Lawrence Lessig; o relatório trimestral da Fundação para o terceiro trimestre de 2004 (de outubro a dezembro); e relatórios sobre diversas atividades de projetos da Wikimedia.
Se estiver interessado no processo de confecção do boletim, increva-se na lista de e-mail quarto-l.
Atualmente, a Wikimedia Quarto está aceitando colaborações para o volume 3, a ser publicado em abril de 2005. Por favor, veja m:Talk:WQ/3 para mais informações.
Envie seus comentários sobre Wikimedia Quarto vol. 2 a m:Talk:WQ. _______________________________________________ Quarto-l mailing list Quarto-l@mail.wikimedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/quarto-l
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