I've just re-check it right now, and You are right - it works, but only if You will executer getID() method. I was just checking object's id property (because it doesn't have leading underscores I assume, that it's public, or rather not consider internal) and it hadn't work. (And off the topic I guess pages without sitelinks should be properly handled - right now there is NoPage error, instead ot that, I guess, it should create new item in wikibase repository)
I believe, that for the sake of laziness We should make all object property considered internal and give access to them by some getters/setters - right now it's a little bit confusing. I thnik the same about get() method - it shouldn't be externally execute, I know, that it will break lots of code, but after that it will be lot less confusing.
And another question: is there any way to create simply just new ItemPage? I could not find it (neither in trunk not rewrite branch). Right now I found some workaround for trunk. It gives me some warnings, but it works.
BTW where is current bugtracer? I've found https://sourceforge.net/p/pywikipediabot/feature-requests/340/ on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikipediabot/Development . Isn't it rational to move it to wikimedia bugzilla, or even more, to github?
2013/7/21 legoktm legoktm.wikipedia@gmail.com
Hi, Could you provide an example of a page that currently doesn't work? I just ran our test suite on the latest revision and the fromPage-related tests all passed.
Your current patch technically works, however I'd be wary of accepting it since it makes the API request while the item is being constructed, rather than passing on the site & title parameters to the write function that needs it (lazy).
-- Legoktm
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Tomasz Magulski < tomasz.magulski@gmail.com> wrote:
I've started to work with wikidata few days ago and have found out, that in rewrite branch ItemPage.fromPage haven't worked properly, so I had started digging in code and made small patch, which should resolve this issue.
The code is available here: https://github.com/magul/pywikibot-core/tree/ItemPageFromPage
Could be it merged to rewrite branch? What should I do to make it happen?
Thanks for answer in advance
-- Tomasz Magulski
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