I figured these pointers (which I shared in response to a question on how to showcase the "volume and diversity of Wikipedia’s interaction with the scholarly literature") would be useful to others on the lists.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dario Taraborelli dtaraborelli@wikimedia.org
*Crossref Event Data*
This is the live demo web client http://live.eventdata.crossref.org/live.html, the vast majority of events come from Wikipedia. Just opening up this link at any time should give you a sense of the sheer volume of events coming from Wikipedia across languages in real time. The API endpoint with today's events is here http://api.eventdata.crossref.org/v1/events?source=wikipedia&from-collected-date=2018-05-03 .
*Wikipedia DOI referrals* One of my favorite datapoints is the ranking of referring domains https://www.crossref.org/blog/where-do-doi-clicks-come-from/ for DOI lookups, which consistently puts Wikipedia in the top 10 non-primary-publisher sources of traffic to the literature as measured by Crossref.
*Wikipedia citations* We recently released a comprehensive dataset of 15 million records https://blog.wikimedia.org/2018/04/05/ten-most-cited-sources-wikipedia/ with all citations by identifiers in Wikipedia across nearly 300 languages. The data has already been used in a number of analyses (see here https://medium.com/@thisismattmiller/analyzing-doi-citations-in-english-wikipedia-2db56bad030b and here https://medium.com/@thisismattmiller/analyzing-books-cited-in-english-wikipedia-d7520b7838f3 from Matt Miller). It got picked up by Wired yesterday, with a nice story https://www.wired.com/story/wikipedia-most-cited-authors-no-idea/ on a paper cited 2.8M times in Wikipedia. This data is being used by other organizations to drive digitization https://blog.archive.org/2018/03/14/lets-build-a-great-digital-library-together-starting-with-a-wishlist/ and open access https://blog.okfn.org/2017/10/26/how-wikimedia-helped-authors-make-over-3000-articles-green-open-access-via-dissemin/ efforts.