It's #openaccess https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/openaccess?source=feed_text week and The Wikipedia Library is taking part with a viral, microcontribution campaign called #OAwiki https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/oawiki?source=feed_text.
The idea is simple: go to the web app OAbot http://www.oabot.org, review a citation with a closed access (paywalled) link, check the suggested open citation, and add the open link to the citation if it's a good fit.
This makes every citation on Wikipedia easier to access, read, and verify!
I'd love it if you would try out http:// http://goog_1231209814/oabot.org .
*https://blog.wikimedia.org/2017/10/24/open-access-week/ https://blog.wikimedia.org/2017/10/24/open-access-week/*
Also if you could share in your networks and say something nice about it this week, we can push #openaccess even further!
Thanks and cheers,
Jake Orlowitz
Wikipedia Library
Wikimedia Foundation